Monday, January 12, 2009

Hannah Clarke

I am twenty two and finishing what feels like what has been a mighty haul of a Bachelor of Design majoring in Media. When recently asked 'What's good to do in Auckland' by a friend traveling from California, all I could suggest were places or activities outside of the city. Auckland is a great means for getting to other areas. Places with magnificently wild beaches, fascinating native beaches, fascinating native bush and many relaxed yet interesting little communities. I was lucky to grow up in Muriwai, one of these such places. Living there may have lead me to this view of the city and has helped me to appreciate and prefer the simple, honest things in life. This is definitely reflected in my design practice. I enjoy bike riding, snowboarding (as well as yeti's); the art of storytelling and the process of turning kooky ideas into reality. Mediums I especially enjoy are illustration, motion graphics, typography and screen-printing. It is always interesting observing the different ways these are responded to.

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